Loosing oneself is a BIG Boo Boo?… Allow yourself to be wooed by sitting pretty on your throne (especially for the Divine Feminine). Claim your power back sugar pie. ?
Reminiscent the song…*I lose control because of you babe*… How many people do that and realize it was too late to pull the brakes?
Many potential couples have the chances of getting off : 4 of wands with the Hierophant cards (usually in tarot card means a higher level of commitment). However, most of the relationships, there will be some imbalance of give and take. One of them will feel tired and fall out, eventually bored and pulled away. This has caused the breakdown.. Burned out.?
Being too comfortable in a relationship is being lazy for investing. Giving too much also may burn you out too. Now when this happens, even if you may prematurely give away your ?*Golden Cookies*. Is never too late to put things right, but must do it with bravery ♥️heart. Is hard, but is good for long term relationship.
Remember darlings of the Divine Feminine. Stay true to yourself, love❤️❤️ yourself. The right one will love ♥️you as you are and lead you to the success of love in double power. Here it comes… *Here I am! ROCK you like a hurricane! *.. Yes that it is darlings. ?